Pathein Catholic Diocese Untitled Document
Untitled Document
Asian Cardinals and Bishops virtually visit the parish in Myanmar

Father Henry Eikhlein along with the participants from Myanmar is sitting in front of the Smart TV and laptop in the office room on October 23.
Asian Cardinals and Bishops virtually visit the parish in Myanmar

The Asian Cardinals and Bishops who are having the Fifty FABC General Conference in Thailand virtually visited St. Peter’s Cathedral parish of Pathein Diocese in the Ayeyarwaddy Region of Myanmar on October 23 at 11 in the morning, Thailand time.

In his welcoming speech to the FABC Parish Visitors, Father Henry Eikhlein, the Diocesan Administrator, said, “I am very happy this morning to have this occasion to welcome you to our Cathedral parish in Pathein. So, now we are gathering here to welcome you.”

Father Eikhlein introduced the participants in his office room to FABC parish visitors online.

“Thank you very much for giving us this opportunity to meet you this morning,” said Father Administrator.

The ten minutes video about parish life which was presented by St. Peter’s Cathedral parish was watched together after the welcoming speech of the Diocesan Administrator.

Some FABC parish visitors in Room 3 raised questions about the expectation of youth to the Church, basic community for the faith formation, the names and the role of the participants, the population of the parishioners, and the number of Sunday Mass-goers.

Over 18 FABC parish visitors including Cardinals and laypeople in Room 3 from Thailand had a virtual parish visit and conversation with the parishioners of St. Peter’s Cathedral parish from Myanmar.

Cardinal Charles Bo, FABC president, and Bishop Felix Lian Khen Than from Myanmar were among the FABC parish visitors in Room 3.

For clarification, Cardinal Bo clarified the situation of the Cathedral parish regarding basic community, parish apostolate, and youth.

Each Bishop and Cardinal introduced himself to the representative parishioners of St. Peter’s Cathedral parish.

Ten parishioners, one nun and three Aspirants of the local Congregation of the Sisters of St. Francis Xavier, one technical assistant priest, the parish priest with two assistants along with Father Henry Eikhlein participated in the event.

The virtual parish visit ended with Cardinal Charles Bo’s concluding prayer and blessings at around 11:30 in the morning Myanmar time.

The objective of the Virtual Parish Visit in Asia is “to become aware of the current and emerging realities and challenges confronting Asia and the Church” in order to better see “the face of Jesus in Asia” and “envision new pathways of service and journeying together as people of Asia.”

Raymond Mahn Kyaw




2022-10-24 23:33:46